Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Coffee and the Creeps

Last night was a time of deja vu as, from the comfort of my overstuffed chair, I watched a green-aproned young man dump out grinds and close his till. Although I miss certain aspects of working at Starbucks (the relaxed ambiance, the music, being able to drink anything I wanted for no charge, seeing certain regular, happy -probably too happy- customers come in three times during my shift for their next dosage of brew), I can’t say I’d like to go back. Actually, I will admit, it was quite nice to sit comfortably and watch someone else do the grunt work. Hmmmm.

As I left the parking lot, in the dark, to go pick up Kevin from his rehearsal, I had an eerie feeling creep over me. I’m not a paranoid person. By the same token, I try to be cautious and take simple steps to prevent evil wrongdoers from taking advantage of my spacey tendencies (e.g., walk purposefully, keep an eye on what’s happening around me, lock my doors, park near a light, etc.). Last night, for some reason, I felt especially uneasy. Upon entering my car, shadows prevented me from seeing into the back seat. I took my hand and reached behind my seat to make sure no one was sitting there, ready to jump and abduct me! (You probably think I’m WEIRD - but at least I’m alive to tell you about it. Okay?)

To my relief, there was no boogie-man waiting for me in the back seat. I started the car and turned on the radio. Soon the voice of a woman who, coincidentally, worked at a MORGUE filled my car. Can you believe it?! This was plenty enough to give me the jitters. As she described her job (e.g., how dead people can sometimes make moaning noises days after they’ve been dead because air is still escaping their lungs), I really started getting the creeps. And then, to make matters worse, I got LOST in a strange, old neighborhood (go figure!) trying to take a shortcut to pick up Kevin.

Sigh. It was just one of those uncanny, spooky, odd experiences. And I just had to share it with you. What are blogs for, anyway?

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