Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Estee Lauder

I’m sure you’ve all heard by now - Estee Lauder died yesterday at the age of 97. Sounds like she was a remarkable woman. She started out by mixing cosmetics in her own kitchen and selling them to friends and neighbors. She eventually turned her home business into a billion-dollar global empire. "Beauty is an attitude," she once said. "There’s no secret. Why are all brides beautiful? Because on their wedding day they care about how they look. There are no ugly women — only women who don’t care or who don’t believe they’re attractive." But here’s the quote that takes the cake: "If every woman got out of bed in the morning, looked in the mirror, and was happy with the way she looked, the world economy would crumble." How true.

Recently we were talking about a friend who is going to be married. I remarked on how she was growing her hair out for the wedding. Kevin got a puzzled look on his face, the kind of look that indicated he was about to question the logic of the cryptic female world. He asked:

"Why is it when girls get married, they grow out their hair and loose weight for the wedding? When we fell in love with them and asked them to marry us, we liked how they looked just fine."

Good question!

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