Monday, January 03, 2005

Looking Back . . . and Ahead

Until this point I’ve been very happy to say that I’ve never had an airline lose my luggage. But I can no longer boast about this. We flew into Sacramento yesterday and, would you know it, the most nonessential piece of luggage we brought with us was the only one to arrive. The three pieces of luggage containing all of our toiletry items were on vacation somewhere in Houston. So, here I am, sitting at my desk without any makeup and stringy hair ‘cuz I couldn’t dry it this morning. Sigh . . .

We had a wonderful time in Indy. I got my wish: We had a beautifully white Christmas. We had a good time visiting family – and even had time to catch up with a few of Kevin’s old friends. We enjoyed attending a Christmas Eve candlelight service at Grandma and Grandpa’s church, relished Christmas day and all the familiar celebrations, had fun shopping, watching movies, sledding with Colin and some friends, Kevin enjoyed skiing with Colin, and I enjoyed a trip to the spa with Megan and Shannon for facials. (I highly recommend this . . . very relaxing!) When we went sledding, we made a “train” by hooking three sleds together. Kevin and I were sitting on the middle sled when, one-third of the way down the slope, our sled flew out from underneath us. Needless to say, it was a very bumpy ride (understatement). Although we were flying downhill at a rapid pace, it seemed like it took an eternity to finally make it to the bottom. I think we alternately screamed and laughed the whole way down. Hmmm . . . good times. Probably the most fun day of all was New Year’s Eve. The whole family went out to dinner and then we went to the symphony for their 10 p.m.-midnight concert. Everyone in the audience had bright glittery hats and noisemakers. It was a lively crowd! The Manhattan Rhythm Kings were there to join the symphony, sing and do some tap dancing numbers. It was great. After the countdown to midnight, everyone went out into the main hall to dance and enjoy Big Band music. And then, at approximately one o’clock, we proceeded to go to a friends’ house to play games until almost four in the morning. I don’t think I’ve stayed up that late since law school days. Frankly, I’m surprised I made it!

Anyway, I’ll try to post some pictures. Some of you may know by now, ‘cuz word travels fast – or you may have received our very belated Christmas letter, that we decided we need more blog material and figured a good way to get it would be to add another person to our family. (Just kidding about the blog part.) We’re due in mid-July and are very excited, anxious, happy, freaked-out, disbelieving, etc. You know . . . all those feelings that every new parent-to-be typically experiences. And this is only the beginning . . . Life will definitely change. This will be a new chapter. We’re looking forward to all of the joys, sorrows, and adventures.


Linds said...

Congratulations, you guys! I'm so happy for you :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations! I bet both your families must be beside themselves with joy. Does this mean you won't be coming back to the East Coast anytime soon? I think it means you're due for a visit within the next year so we'll get to meet Kevin or Amy Koons Jr. :)

Rachelle said...

Wow! Is your life going to change! Congratulations. Parenthood is awesome. But in the meantime, take time for long conversations with friends (you'll be completely distracted for quite a few years) and movies in the theatre. Go to dinner and think how nice it is that you are able to eat your food while it is still hot and not have to leave a bigger tip to cover the mess on the floor. :) Seriously though--our lives are richer, less self-absorbed, more entertaining, and we waste less time sleeping too. :) rlr

Anonymous said...

At the risk of sounding smug, I saw it coming from the first time I caught Kevin flirting in your office at HSLDA. MJB

Queen of Carrots said...

Congratulations! Now on visits back to see family, however, be prepared to cease being the star attraction and become merely the baby's chauffeurs. Not that you'll mind.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm so very happy for you guys! What an original New Year's resolution for you, Amy - 'In 2005, I resolve to gain weight.' =) Congratulations!


the Joneses said...

Yay! I echo Rachelle's comments, especially the "less self-absorbed" part. Kids are wonderful, but a whole lot of work. --DJ

Anonymous said...

We're so happy for you guys! Congratulations, and many blessings!!

Alison said...

Congratulations! How exciting! :-) Be sure to put your digital camera to good use when the little one arrives.
~Alison (& Nathan, too)

Anonymous said...

Isn't the first rule of blogging to put the MOST important information up top? I completely missed the more significant facts of this post until SEM shared the news.

Congrats, though. It's a ton of fun.


the Joneses said...

Sorry, MJR -- bloggers, women in particular, are not bound to that stupid academic rule that makes you give away your entire story in the first sentence. Men made up that rule.

Darren's forecast of the birth announcement: "7 lbs., 1 oz., 25 inches long..."
-- SJ

Angel said...

Kevin & Amy, this is such wonderful & exciting news! We hope to meet the new little Koons perhaps late this summer/early in the fall (whenever we make it through Sacramento next). Congratulations to you both! --Angel & Dan

Anonymous said...

Many, many congratulations to both of you! I remember the toast at your wedding to the "twelve adorable nephews and nieces" - I've always been sure that your kids will live up to the "adorable" part, even if they don't end up numbering 12. What wonderful news with which to begin the new year. Leah =)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations guys! What an awesome blessing! ~jenna

Aaron Klein said...

OK, totally unfair. I too missed the big news while skimming that blog post. Dan Getz had to tell me.

But congratulations...2005 is going to be an exciting year for you guys!