Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Here I am trying to write a policy newsletter. My job depends on my ability to get this done by every Wednesday afternoon.

Meredith is supposed to be napping. Instead she is loudly singing: “The mommies on the bus go wee-wee-wee all through the TOWN.” Don’t ask me why she sings it this way. She likes to take parts of songs and then make up her own stuff.

Oh wait, now she has switched songs. Now it's “Kwinka-kwinka little star, up above the world so high …”

There you have it. A little girl who refuses to nap and a mommy who is not prepared to deal with it.


swan said...

Maybe Meredith can write the policy newsletter?

Catherine said...

LOL! Hannah also likes to sing during naps, although her vocabulary is considerably more limited than Meridith's, so Hannah's songs sound more like, "HEY! HEY! Yayayayayaya, Duck, duck, Daddeeeeeeeeeee! HEY! HEY!"

Yes, that is a direct quote, she's supposed to be napping right now (we were out all day so it's a late one) and that is what I'm listening too. i'm glad I'm not also trying to write a policy newsletter to this accompaniment! :)

swan said...

So, did it get done?!

Amy K said...

Yes, it got done. PTL. It HAD to get done.

Alaina said...

That is so cute that she sings! My kiddos sometimes don't nap well either but as long as they are happy in their bed.... :) Sometimes I'll give them books to entertain them but they usually throw them out. :)

Queen of Carrots said...

D1 writes songs too, although we have to step in when they start getting irreverent: "Ring around the rosie, a pocket full of Jesus."

Anonymous said...

LOL! Ok, b/w your post Amy, and QofC's comment, I'm dying over here!